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Thursday 31 May 2012

i think the animation was good but still could could be improved by spending more time on the animation part making it smoother and improving the way the story is told that that it is easier to understand.
i think the feedback that i received was good and with most of the comments going in one direction helping me find out what to improve.
the way that i would improve my animation would be by thinking of a way to tell the story easier so that a wider audience could understand it. if i ever make a new animation i will use this feedback to improve the animation

Thursday 1 March 2012

next week i will be finishing my story board and starting my animation
i have finalized my idea and have started my story board. i have also converted and downloaded the video from you tube which can been seen below.

Thursday 23 February 2012

planning my animation

in this lesson i have got my idea and a mind map my idea is to do a music video using  plaster the video will take place on a pirate ship. next lesson i will be doing research on music videos and a little on and the song that i will be using pirates.

Thursday 2 February 2012

what animation i want to use woooo

out of the all the animations styles i choose to use pixilation i wish to do this style of animation because of two resons the first of which is that its is easier to do and i believe that you have more freedom of choice in what you want to do so this animation style is the least restricting.

Thursday 26 January 2012

i added the audio i cut it to length with handles so it was easier to edit and added a fade in and out using the fade tool in edit.