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Thursday 29 September 2011

dang have you seen this vid it be made out of paper and stuff and it is a cut out animation
Frog Cut-out Animation from Colin O'Keefe on Vimeo.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Primary and Secondary Sources

primary sources are:
primary resourses are personal experences or talking to someone about there personal experence.

secondary resourses are:
CD Rom
secoundery resourses are thing that you have found that people of written and there has been a time inbetween them doing it and you reading it

Thursday 22 September 2011

woo time lapse

Savannah Timelapse from Nicholas Reichard on Vimeo.

this a time lapse of a city going in to night to day

also this is a 21 second long video

woo animation

i did a stop motion animation on the mac using istop motion with out planning or research the program took  a picture every 2 secounds and we had to come up with some thing and then post it up on vimeo.

Thursday 15 September 2011

Persistence of vision woooo

Persistence of vision is a controversial theory that the brain retains an image for a fraction of a second  (0.04 of a seconds) the eye see everything that goes on but the brain takes a snapshot every 0.04 of a second and makes you see it then the image starts to fade and as it is fade the brain takes another snapshot and fills in the gap of what happened in between the 0.04 seconds 
look at this guy this guy is just awesome

wooo im blogging